A novated lease is a way to pay for a car and cover running costs directly through your salary. This helps you save on tax because at least part of your regular car payments are taken from your salary pre-tax.
It’s an increasingly popular alternative to buying a car with a car loan. Instead of getting a loan from a bank to buy your car, a novated lease provider (like Novated Lease Australia) arranges for the car (new or used) to be purchased on your behalf by a lease finance company.
You get unlimited personal usage of the car in return for a regular salary sacrifice car payment that’s automatically deducted from your paycheck by your employer.
How does a novated lease work?
A good starting point is understanding that a novated lease is not too dissimilar to having a mobile phone on a plan, while saving thousands on car ownership.
With a novated lease part of your salary is used to lease the car, allowing a portion of the payment to be made from pre-tax income.
This covers the finance lease of the vehicle and can also include running costs like fuel or charging, maintenance, and insurance, potentially leading to tax savings.
Here’s what's involved:
If you’re interested in getting started, the first step is to calculate your novated lease costs, or if you want a more detailed (but still quick!) estimate you can request a quote from our team who will talk you through what’s involved based on your situation and the car you have in mind.
How do I save money with a novated lease?
The potential savings come from a few different sources, including the fact that when leasing a car, GST (typically 10%) is not payable upfront on the purchase price of the vehicle. This means you can save thousands on any car when leasing.
An example of this GST savings when leasing a car includes leasing a Tesla Model 3 that costs $59,663 drive away, and saving $5,154.55 upfront in GST. If the same car were purchased with cash or a car loan, GST would be included in the purchase cost, making it more expensive.
There are also a few other added bonuses when it comes to leasing an electric car which we will get to shortly. These could significantly reduce running costs.
Similarly, on a Toyota Corolla Ascent Sport with a driveaway price of $36,016, saving over $2,919.09 from just the GST, you don’t have to pay when leasing this car.
There is also a GST saving on any salary sacrificed running costs included as part of the lease. That's because any GST on the running costs of your car is paid by your employer which adds to further savings.
On top of the GST savings, leasing allows you to use your pre-tax income, helping you reduce the tax you’d pay if you purchased a vehicle outright.
How long will my novated lease last?
Novated lease terms are generally between six months and five years and you will be able to choose a term that suits your situation best. Most people go with a term of three to five years.
With Novated Lease Australia, you can choose an ‘odd term’ meaning it doesn’t need to be an even year. For example, for whatever reason you may decide that a 30-month lease suits your situation.
If I get a novated lease, who owns the car?
The finance company owns the car during the novated lease term. That being said, you have complete control over which car you choose to lease – the lease company simply buys it on your behalf (with a GST discount).
Throughout the lease, the car is registered in your name and you have full personal use of it. You also insure the vehicle and look after servicing just like you would if you bought the car yourself.
The only difference is you can pay for these expenses through your regular lease payment, while enjoying an income tax and GST saving,
After making the residual payment at the end of the lease term, you will own it outright. You'll also have the option to extend the lease, or trade in the car and start a new lease with a newer model.
What is a self-managed novated lease?
A self-managed novated lease is one where you arrange the finance for the lease, the purchase of the vehicle and set up the running cost budget and most other aspects of establishing the lease separately from the company that administers your employer's salary sacrifice benefits scheme.
However, you can still get help from a company, like Novated Lease Australia, to help set up your self-managed lease before it's handed over to your employer's contracted provider.
Will I need to pay fringe benefits tax on my novated lease?
While some novated leases are subject to fringe benefits tax (this applies to all employee benefits that are separate to the salary you earn), as the employee you do not need to pay anything either way.
Novated leases on electric vehicles are exempt from fringe benefits tax, if the vehicle is valued below the luxury car tax threshold ($91,387 in FY24/25).
For all other vehicles that are subject to FBT, the novated lease will be set up to include some post-tax salary contributions to cancel out any FBT liability that your employer would otherwise be subject to (where it applies, FBT falls to the employer, not the employee to pay).
Can I get a novated lease if I’m not on a very high income?
Yes you can. As long as you pay tax, there is still generally a tax benefit, no matter what your income is. And that's just the income tax. There's also the GST which comes off the purchase price of the car, plus the GST savings on the running expenses as well.
Do I need to be driving a lot of kilometres to benefit from a novated lease?
No, we have customers that drive as little as 5,000 kms per year and lower. These people still choose to pay for their car through a novated lease to take advantage of the GST and tax savings.
These are savings that are generally not available with a car loan or if you choose to buy the car outright).
But if you are travelling more kilometres, the benefit of a novated lease versus not doing it increases because of how much you'd otherwise be spending out of your own pocket on running expenses without the tax benefit.
What are the disadvantages of a novated lease?
A novated lease is typically more complex than other forms of car finance. There are other parties involved and if you’re not careful, costs can mount up if there are extras added to your lease that you don’t need.
This is why it’s important to work with a reputable novated lease provider that will be completely transparent regarding your costs and can explain the process for you simply.
In addition, it’s important to consider your future employment situation, as you will still be responsible for the repayments if you leave your current employer.
Is getting a novated lease worth it?
Whether a novated lease is worth it depends on your personal and financial circumstances. It can offer significant tax and convenience benefits, particularly for those in higher tax brackets or those looking to bundle vehicle costs into one simple payment. However, it's crucial to consider the total cost over the lease term and any potential end-of-lease obligations.
Can anyone drive my car?
Yes, anyone can drive your car. Just make sure they’re covered by your car insurance policy.
Do I qualify for a novated lease?
To qualify for a novated lease, the only requirements are:
Will there be a credit check when I apply?
Yes, most lenders will do a credit check when assessing your application for credit. Your credit history may impact the interest rate on your novated lease finance.
However, it is still possible to be approved for a novated lease if you have bad credit.
We guide customers on the credit application process (based on the multiple lenders we have access to) before you apply.
What kind of vehicle can I novate?
Novated leasing is available for passenger vehicles, including virtually all cars, SUVs and utes. You can’t novate non-passenger vehicles like motorcycles, scooters, caravans or boats.
The vehicle’s carrying capacity must be less than one tonne in order for it to be eligible, which rules out a lot of commercial vehicles.
You can novate an electric car or standard petrol or diesel model, and there is a significant additional tax benefit (lowering the cost of your lease) if you choose an EV as these vehicles are exempt from fringe benefits tax.
How old can a second-hand car be if I want to get a novated lease?
With a novated lease on a used car, the age limit goes up to 12 years at the end of the lease term. So for a five-year lease, the vehicle can’t be older than 7 years old at the start of the lease.
Can I get a novated lease for a car I already own?
Yes, this is relatively common. Most people want to get a new car, but there are some people who have recently purchased a car and then became aware of novated leasing and want to get the benefits.
It's a simple process. Essentially, the finance company buys the car from you and you lease it back from them (known as ‘sale and lease back’). The only difference is you miss out on the GST benefit on the purchase price, but the income tax savings will be the same. Plus, you still get the GST savings on your car running expenses.
Can I novate more than one car?
Yes, you can. As long as you are able to service the finance, you can do multiple novated leases.
How do I choose which car to novate?
Once you're up to speed on the ins and out of novated leasing and the benefits it brings, it’s time to look at how to choose the right car.
Over the last couple of years, there have been a lot of changes in the car market in Australia. Not only are there new models from the familiar brands, but also electric cars which are full of technology and can be much cheaper to run.
Starting with the new models, there is a flurry of new options from brands we know, but also those we are not too familiar with. The number of brands in Australia has increased in recent years, with a lot more on the way, making it difficult to choose.
That’s where research comes in. Car research websites and reviews on YouTube can be a good starting point.
When deciding on a car, the most important thing is whether it would fit your lifestyle and work needs. SUVs are popular with many who like the practical features they offer and the technology found in new cars.
Another area that’s become quite popular in the last couple of years has been electric vehicles (EVs), which offer a quieter, more comfortable and convenient driving experience without having to ever visit a petrol station.
Should I choose to drive an electric car?
EVs have really taken off in Australia with plenty of drivers seeing the benefits of driving a car that’s quieter, comfortable to drive and costs a lot less to fill up without having to go to a petrol station and pay the high fuel prices.
Tesla is the leading EV brand in Australia, and we are starting to see them everywhere on our roads. Some of the reasons why so many people are buying a Tesla include:
Many of these benefits aren’t just limited to Tesla (which now start at under $59,900 driveaway in most parts of Australia) but also extend to other EV models.
MG, for example, now has an electric hatchback with a starting driveaway price of under $32,990 and now even a 10-year new car warranty.
That’s cheaper than a Toyota Corolla but with a much longer warranty and can be charged at home. This makes ownership of EVs so much more attractive. But that’s not all.
Leasing an EV comes with its own benefits, with drivers not only paying less on GST but also avoiding fringe benefit tax (FBT). This significantly reduces the running expenses as well as getting everything paid with a pre-tax income.
Tax savings alone on an EV could save you $33,400 over a lease term while driving a Tesla Model 3 and a saving of under $15,000 when driving a Toyota Corolla.
In short, with an EV, the reduction in your take-home pay is lower than it would be if you were leasing a petrol or diesel car.
What car running costs can I include in my novated lease?
How we explain it to clients is that you can package pretty much any cost of maintaining the vehicle and keeping it on the road. These are the main costs that can be included:
Are there any running costs I can’t include?
You can't include costs that are not related to maintaining the vehicle and keeping it on the road. That means the likes of tolls, parking costs or fines cannot be included.
How are the car running expenses calculated?
We estimate your running costs at the start of the lease based on how much you think you’ll drive per year. But we can change those running costs at any time throughout the term.
If you're overspending compared to the budget, we readjust those figures to cover the extra kilometres. If you overestimate, we can dial the expenses back to bring the payments down. But in that scenario, most people leave the extra paid as a buffer in the account in case something comes up.
At the end of the term, we refund the account balance back to the employer to pay to you as taxable salary.
If I include running costs, can I pick my own insurance provider?
Yes, absolutely. Novated Lease Australia customers are free to source their own insurance and there is no extra charge if you decide to do that.
You set up the policy as you normally would and we include the cost in the lease budget and reimburse you so you're still getting the tax benefit.
If you pay the insurance premium monthly, we'll reimburse monthly. If it’s annual, we'll reimburse the annual amount from your account once there are sufficient funds available.
You’ll also need to send us a copy of your policy documents as confirmation that your vehicle is insured, as that is a condition of the novated lease.
What happens to the money for my running costs if I don’t use it all?
The money is yours, so whatever funds are left over at the end of the lease will be returned to you via your payroll (with income tax payable).
What happens if I change employers during the novated lease term?
You can transfer your novated lease over to your new employer. We do this for clients all the time, as long as the new employer is happy to take on the lease.
If a new employer doesn't want to take it on, you can make the finance payments directly yourself (from after-tax salary) and look after the running expenses yourself.
What happens if I go on unpaid leave during my novated lease term?
It’s a good idea to contact us in advance to discuss options. Generally the finance lease payments will continue even if you’re not earning a salary for a period. For that reason, we normally advise sacrificing additional money prior to going on leave if possible. If there are surplus funds in your expense account, the payments can be made using that money.
You can also deposit additional funds into your account to cover the payments while you’re not earning.
What will I need to do when the lease ends?
It’s pretty straightforward. We send you a payout letter from the lender explaining how much the residual value of the vehicle is. This is the amount required as a final payment for you to own the car outright.
What people most commonly do at that point is sell the car and use the sale funds to pay out the residual amount and keep any profit tax free. Then they start again with a new lease on a new car.
The other options are to pay the residual and keep the car, or re-lease the vehicle for another 12, 24 or 36-month term.
Can I pay extra towards my residual value during the lease?
In a word, no. This is because the minimum residual amount that must be paid in order for you to own the car at the end of the lease is set by the ATO. Paying extra during the term would bring the residual below the ATO’s minimum.
Likewise, you are not allowed to put any remaining funds in your novated lease account towards the residual at the end of the lease. You must pay the residual (including GST) with after-tax money.
Do you own a car at the end of a novated lease?
Ownership at the end of a novated lease is not automatic. You have the option to pay the residual value (a lump sum determined at the start of the lease) to take ownership of the car, refinance the residual value for an extended lease, or upgrade to a new vehicle under a new lease agreement by trading in your car to cover the residual on the original lease.
How is my car’s residual value calculated?
Residual values are determined by the ATO and vary according to the term of the lease. Our quote shows you all the details you need to know including your residual value.